Phono cable and preamp for soundsmith Carmen mk2

A year ago I decided to update my stereo system and soon after also thought I should be able to play my vinyls (not played in 15-20 years).
I started of with a modest turntable, a used project 2Xperience SB(~1500$), supplied with original turntable cable (PRO-JECT CONNECT-IT E for ~50$). Cable has low capitance but is porly shielded.
Didn’t have a clue about what pickup to choose. After a recommendation I purchased a Soundsmith Carmen Mk2, a moving iron cartridge. I believe it can be used with an improved setup.

For preamp I bought a project Phono Box DS2 USB(~500$), I thought it would be nice to be able to record some of my old albums. I did set it up with a optic cable towards my amplifier. Something was missing, I learned that it was a mistake to use optic cable, the sound was clear but not analog. Now I use a Pangea Premier Interconnect (RCA) between phono preamp and amplifier.

This weekend I have evaluated better turtable cable, a Oyaide PH-01RR RCA-RCA (170$) with total capacitance:160pF (cable 100pF/m ). It was an improvement, mostly due to shielding I belive.
It is said to be designed for MM, but to my knowledge has rather high capitance:
I have now learned that MM cartridges should be used with cables of low capitance, I assume that is valid for MI as well. One of the recomended, at my current price range and knowledge, is Furutech AG-12 R4(~500$). Do not know if the furutech is the best for MI/MM.

- Any suggestion regarding turntable cable (2rca->2rca+ground)?
- What are the parameters I should look into?
- Should I go for a silver cable? Shielding and contacts?

Considering updating phono preamp to Soundsmith MMP3 mk2 Phono Preamp, should match the Carmen. Can’t find many reviews. Max phono preamp cost perhaps 1500$.
The aim is that the preamp could be used with a better turntable, perhaps a VPI scout. Will turntable cable caracteristics have impact on the MMP3 settings and finally sound properties/quality?

I’m not a true audiophile but I appriciate ”good” sound quallities!
I do not have possibillty to try to many types of cables due availabillity and distance to shops.


Ps Sorry about the poor english, I from Sweden :-)

I’m a beginner at phono preamps. I have not compared any yet.
Is there a difference if one listen to differnt kinds of music? I mostly listen to Santana, Joe Cocker and other classic rock.
I have realised that my old KISS albums does not sound good on vinyl (so far), bad recordings I guess. A newly recorded 180gram America album (1971) sounds great even though remastered. 

Regarding the Gold Note PH10. 

About the adjustment curves:
- what happens with changes of curves?
-Advantage when?
@hook68 there's 1/2 dozen reviews on the PH10 3 alone are in Positive Feedback they liked it that much. I really don't use the 6 EQ curves just leave it on the standard RIAA and enjoy.
Your English is not poor at all.
Phono stage should be matched with preamp, both electrically and musically. Impedance match is important. Could you tell us more about your system and the kind of sound you would like to achieve?
Carmen is a good cartridge and yes, tonearm cable is very important. There are many phono stages that should work well.
Some here always recommend Herron or Parasound as if they didn't know any other brands.
I picked up a Carmen mk2 several months ago and I've been very happy with it. In my system and to my ears it out performed a Dynavector 20xh and an Ortofon 2m bronze.About two months ago I picked up the Soundsmith MMP3 phono stage from the Cable Co.with a 30 day in home trial and I ended up keeping it. I compared the MMP3 to a Graham Slee Reflex M,Audio Vista Phono 1 and the Van Alstine phono stage and I preferred the Soundsmith with the Carmen.