Upgrade from my Modwright KWA 100SE

I am considering a KWA 150 SE, but not sure how significant a jump up it is from my current amp. Any experiences shared are appreciated or alternate upgrade paths. My speakers are my own Open baffle design (Satori MW16P and TW29) with a GR research H frame subs with AQ370 Amps. preamp is LS100. Thanks.
Personally, I have the Maestro Anniversary, but it’s an integrated, not power amp, even though it works as a power amp too. I have one, and love the sound. For the info you can contact Audio Alliance in Canada, they’re distributors for North America, or in the US contact qaudio.com in Cambridge, MA, or audiowaves.com in California, don’t know the city they’re in.
Jriggy...some parts upgrades but no fundamental differences!  Both MOSFET designs.  They don’t double down on power either which is kinda strange given the robust build.
the KWA 150 is a bipolar design the kwa 100 is mosfet, totally different topology
Weird that the description sounds the same and no mention of bipolars.  MOSFET ‘s are usually associated with that Tubelike Sound mentioned ‘