What the heck is up with the audiogon listing photos?

Can anyone explain the mostly obscured thumbnails in the gear listings? I'm talking about the tiny circle thumbnails in front of blurred backgrounds. Is this site flaw supposed to be a feature, or is this the new "base" listing, where one has to pay additional for an unblurred image?

User experience. You're doing it wrong.

Because it looks bad, reflects poorly on Audiogon as a result,  and works against the purpose of the site which is to help people buy and sell things easily.


this sight has slowly gone from a gear lovers sight to a dealers resale sight similar to Auto-trader. remember when it was free to post an add and they only charged for upgraded listings then they started charging for every add, that’s when the dealers seemed to take it over. now the average person lists on US audiomart (canuck-uk audiomart) and this place is primarily a dealer sight with 10% private sellers. not that this is bad just the reality

If the listing of the site is intended to increase the total number of sales (and the fees that go along with those sales), the intentional downgrading of images hurts the buyer's who are essentially funding the fee structure.

From a buyer's perspective it looks like a cheap money grab by Audiogon. As if there is more interest in a few dollars made on the ad listing itself, rather than the fees collected on what could be a several thousand dollar sale given the gear listed here.

The message to sellers isn't much better. "We will intentionally degrade the quality of any images you upload unless you pay us to have them rendered undisturbed."

Win, win?