Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
But please don't mistake my light heartedness with my not being interested..  I am reading each post.
@ozzy - I actually think the E-mat may be doing something very similar as the MC-0.5s i.e. manipulating the signal via magnetics. Would also explain why the mat seemed to work once the ers cloth was removed from your breaker box. The cloth is for blocking rf and emi.  
Nope. The magnetism has already been explained as simply a way to attach the mat to steel surfaces. If it operated via magnetism you could just attach a large magnet plate to the chassis or breaker panel door. It would be a whole lot cheaper. Besides the ERS cloth doesn’t work in most places. It hurts the sound. Which explains why the sound was better once it was removed. Hel-loo! The ERS cloth is the poster child for expectation bias.
Wow, amg56, for a second there I thought you said light headedness.
I’m currently experimenting with magnetic mats in my system. Ive placed a number of them on my music server which actually did improve the sound.  Ive ordered 30 more to try in various places including the breaker box.