Anyone familiar with Ikeda 9 series (cantileverless kind) MC cartridges?

Impressed by the series FR-7 kinds , more in particular the FR-7 fz, I wanted to try some of the

9 C(?) kinds. I was able to buy the 9 C, mk2 but was not able to find much info about other

versions.  There are later versions so I am interested in their possible  ''added values''.

There is Ikeda 9C Mk3. I have this. Very nice.
After this, Ikeda started calling them 9R. And started making them as integrated headshell carts. The final one was called 9R MUSA in a wooden body integrated headshell.
The new Ikeda compnay is using the 9R model number but all of these have cantilevers.

Thanks dear ddriveman, My only problem with 9C,mk 2 is the

(very) low compliance. I can hardly  get 50 microns ''pure''

with tracking capability test records. Speculating or rather deducing

from VTF 2 g by R versions in comparison with 2.5 g for my 9C,2

I assume that R versions have higher compliance (?).

BTW I recently purchased Ikeda 9 TT with aluminum cantilever.

Nice but not equal to the cantileverless kinds.

It seems there was a wide range of different requirements for each member of the original Ikeda 9 family. I own Ikeda 9 Rex, but I'm not sure if this is the R version ddriveman is referring to.

The Rex supposedly was one of the top models in the range and according to the spec sheet the recommended VTF is 1.5 gram. I prefer it slightly higher at 1.75 gram, where tracking capability does seem to improve a little. But more importantly bass notes go deeper, are more solid and more tuneful. The soundstage also seems to blow up like a balloon, both in width and depth. A remarkable effect!

Calling it low compliance is an optimistic description, it's actually more like a no compliance cart. So alignment and SRA really need to be spot on. That's impossible to accomplish visually, so you just have to trust your ears. Feickert+ software (or something similar) would probably be very helpful here. I don't have access to it, so patience and a little luck are my only companions.

You will also need to limit yourself to perfectly flat discs, or it will jump all over the place. Definitely not a cart for everyday use, but when serendipity is in the house, there is nothing quite like it.