Best used DVD Player...Not interested in Blue R...

Could anyone recommend me a good DVD player in the used market. $400 to boot. Not interested in Blue Ray blah blah....or anything like that.

Need good picture, good sound. Mainly for watching movies and concerts on my 2 channel Rig. Considering Sony DVP9000ES or something in that league.... will be using it as a DVD Transport for everything mainly.

Any suggestions will help. Thx
I have a Sony NS999ES with modification from ModWright. Can't be happier. I compared side by side with the Sony NS9000ES and the modified Sony beat the old beauty sonically hand-down. The older (NS9000ES) has an excellent build with remote and power cord. However, the NS999ES is much better with the picture quality, media format tolerance, and the exceptional sound from the mod.
So are some of you telling me that the DV-981HD for $229 is a better buy than the DVP9000ES or Toshiba 9200 hands down for music and movies for a 2 channel system, its hard to believe but I presume this means, sound/picture/ built quality and reliability?
You have lots of good answers here and the Oppo's sure have a good reputation. I'll just add that I'm considering the Toshiba HD-A2, A3, and A30, all can be had for at or less than $300 (new). They also have a good rep for upconverting standard DVD's and if a movie or concert comes along in HD-DVD, oh well, you can play that too.
My Sony DVP 9000 ES is a wonderful DVD player and OK/good on CD SACD also. I do not think the newer cheaper players will match the Sony video or audio but of course are very good values none-the-less. That being said, I was going to replace my Sony with a Toshiba HD DVD as people say the video on DVD is on par with the older Sony. (HD DVD player audio on redbook CD reported as being poor). Maybe now is the time to put Sony up for sale cheap for all you old format diehards.