PS Audio Power Plants

My music on great days sounds three dimensional with  great sound stage depth, good solid bass , and no harshness on the high end.Those few days, I may listen for hours, However most days it sounds flat with no depth and I can't listen for more that 30 minutes or so. This is not a new thing. Its been happening through all different equipment and several houses for years
Has anyone had this experience and would a PS Audio Power Plant like the P10 or P20 help?
Had the PPP moved to the P10 was a nice step up then moved to the High Fidelity  MC 6 Hemisphere again it was a step up in sound. But gave up the protection of  the P10. The sound was much better with the MC 6 Hemisphere. Even tried the P10 and MC 6 Hemisphere together and the sound was only slightly better,  but when i took the P10 out of the loop the sound got a lot better. The Hemisphere is a lot less money than a P10. The break in for the Hemisphere is long roller coaster ride before it settles in.
Might be worth meantioning the Core Power Technology Equi=Core 1800 or 1200. The price is right, they review very well and despite the issues happening with another product the company is trying to release, the Deep Core, the 1800 is a great unit. I waited 3 months this past summer but I believe there is no longer a wait time (?). It’s not in my main system but quieted and brought out low level detail and better dynamics in my TV/HT system. 
Gentlemen - 

Although the OP was speaking of PS's "Regenerator",  your references to the AQ, MC and Torus are like comparing Apples to Watermelons.

Where the PS P5/P10/P20 are power re generators taking wall AC to DC to pure AC , your mentioned pieces are just glorified surge suppressors . ( and the MC 6 Hemisphere is limited to 10 amps which cuts out a lot of power amps. ) 

Whatever makes you and your system happy....Just a FYI ...  Carry on ! 

I swapped out a Blue Circle X0e 6 for a new P5. I think the BC was better, deeper background, quieter, at a quarter the price. I wanted to like the P5, it’s still in the system but it might get pulled soon. Not trying to push the BC, just amazed at how that unit sounded compared to the"big name" PSA unit. No other experience with PSA.