PS Audio Power Plants

My music on great days sounds three dimensional with  great sound stage depth, good solid bass , and no harshness on the high end.Those few days, I may listen for hours, However most days it sounds flat with no depth and I can't listen for more that 30 minutes or so. This is not a new thing. Its been happening through all different equipment and several houses for years
Has anyone had this experience and would a PS Audio Power Plant like the P10 or P20 help?
@keithjacksontucson  The P5 is a whole different beast than the PPP.  With the PPP I couldn't run my power amp off of it without shutting down the regenerator.  The P5 handles the amp and all other equipment nicely.  As I said previously, I am using only 34% of the P5's capacity with the amplifier.  Sound is great!
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I tried out a P5.  On the Sinewave setting, it actually added a low-level whine (a little higher in pitch than a hum) to what you could already hear from the speakers when no music/ear by drivers.  Multiwave 1-6 progressively reduced it, till it was gone with 6.  Now the P5 is gone.
@twoleftears   Just curious if you ever contacted Paul McGowan about the "whine" issue??  The only time I hear a sound like that is during the "Clean" function.

I had the P5, at first I thought it improved my sound, especially during low level listening.  Then as I turned it up, I realized it did something:

It made things sound flat and restricted.  I was used to the singer floating forwards towards me as I turned up the system volume, this was no longer the case.

I sold it. 

Now I have the Torus RM15, much better in my experience.