Cable Snake Oil Antidote

Some might find this Cable Snake Oil Antidote interesting with respect to LRC, the signal and the system.

Cables affect the sound and the effect is system dependent.

Another's opinion on a cable in a vastly different system may not be valid.
The breeze feels good! When you swing for the bleachers the first thing you have to do is connect with the ball. Somebody hasn’t been paying very good attention. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.
What happens when the conducting medium goes from a frozen lattice to a conducting fluid at the molecular level?

The answer is that all your formulas go out the window, as those formulas are based on simplistic models that have static conditions in their origins. When those static conditions turn into dynamic variables, you are left with magnitudes less predictability. It gets so bad that dynamic kinetics (heck, we don’t even really have a stable nomenclature as of yet, in this area) enters the game and is tied to everything... and much more.

So the Belden engineer would have to retrench and tackle a mathematical complexity that he and no one else can actually reach. Supercomputer: fail.

Best guesses and approximations are the only thing that works, here. Simply as it is all that is available.

The same, to some degree... is the issue with ’frozen lattice’, ie, wire audio cables .

Eg, one is calculating the capacitance of the cable, and this is comprised of models for the dielectric, the 3d space occupying characteristics and the fundamental characteristics of the ’wire’. all are considered to be static and unchanging, thus leaving people, still... with what is actually quite complex mathematics to solve.

Which does little to nothing for predicting the ’sound’ of cables..which means the problem being solved is missing some parts. If the answer and the question do not equal one another than one component or both (question and Answer) are flawed, re the nature of your query.

The fluid metal, with "all variables all the time", which are situational dynamically load dependent and more... leaves the mathematics as being unsolvable. Predictable, to some degree, but basically..unsolvable.

Unsolvable, is a good thing, for one great reason. When formulations come along and are available to be used, the ’to a hammer everything is a nail’ mentality starts to enter the picture and people get complacent and blind. The problem is not unlike the second, third, and nth pressing of a button.... when it is known that a single press is all that is required for actuation.

The idea of how humans repeat solutions, re their application... in the face of things that seem to fit patterns of known quantities. The danger of engineering solutions being applied to scenarios that are not solved and are not exactly the same. It is part of our wiring to do such things. So we can’t have clarity in the instance of an unclear mind. Realization at these fundamentals.. of ’the questioner being part of the issue’ -are glossed over. The intellectual and thought pattern limitations that sit unrealized. The dangers of unrealized projection.

Here's what I've found in over 40 years of listening...

1.  Cables (and AC cords) DEFINITELY make a difference.

2. Interconnects cannot 'improve' sound.  All they can do is degrade it.  The best ones degrade the sound the least (i.e. they transmit it with the least 'damage' and 'loss' of the signal).

3.  Generally, these differences are MORE pronounced w/ better (i.e. more highly resolving) components.   If the signal is distorted to start with, a great cable will only give a more accurate presentation of that distorted signal.  It cannot 'clean it up'.

4.  Lastly, to those who say 'if you can't measure it, you can't hear it'... You're assuming that we can measure everything that matters; that our knowledge of electronics, physics, and psycho-acoustics are all perfect.  Absurd!  If you think there's nothing left to learn... well, that's extremely foolish, isn't it? 

Oh, one thing I forgot...

5.  Pay no attention to the manufacturer's claims or explanations of their technology.  It doesn't matter what they say about WHY their cables work well.  JUST LISTEN & EVALUATE.