Have you ever met another audiogon member in person?

If yes, tell us about it. 

i want to meet wolfgarcia and tablejockey!
I met a guy recently and it worked out well. I got some Vac mono 160s and all is good 
I repost in full below this argument and remind readers here that this is the guy who used Audiogon to promote a phony rigged $25,000 USD listening "challenge" that moderators wisely chose to shut down and this is why I caution participants here about revealing personal information. If you read his argument in full below ask yourself what it has in common with those phony Nigerean email scams that everyone gets! It's fraud and extortion plain and simple note especially the "act privately" and reference to "legal counsel."

Some folks here on the a-gon forum have unmitigated gall.

First they state the impossible.

Then they are presented with a genuine and no obligation challenge to demonstrate the impossible.

Then they tentiively accept challenge.

Then they attempt to dictate the terms of the challenge.

Then they are asked to act privately, and with the inclusion of legal council.

Then they refuse.

Then they cry fraud.

clearthink -I repost in full below this argument and remind readers here that this is the guy who used Audiogon to promote a phony rigged $25,000 USD listening "challenge" that moderators wisely chose to shut down and this is why I caution participants here about revealing personal information. If you read his argument in full below ask yourself what it has in common with those phony Nigerean email scams that everyone gets! It’s fraud and extortion plain and simple note especially the "act privately" and reference to "legal counsel."

And I would like to remind readers that it is clearthink who states the impossible. Namely, that he can audibly detect when ordinary speaker wire is reversed.

He merely had an "opportunity" to prove it, however, because *he cannot* and is essentially left with "egg on his face", he can do no more than attempt to disparage me here on the forum.

Given that his statement about being able to hear a difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed in the absence of any proof is an outright lie, why would anyone believe anything else from clearthink?
gdhal you are a fraud, a scammer with a phony $25,000 rigged listening test have you found any suckers yet for your scam?? Why not tell us more about your test and how to plan to rig it!