Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?
First, let me say I have no relationship with Akiko, or any audio dealer who sells them.  This merely is JMHO response to Anderock's question above.
A close audio friend of mine brought his Corelli to my house last night.  My system already sounds very good, but oh my, after we plugged the Corelli in, my jaw dropped, and I was left drooling on the floor.  It was obvious, and immediate.  Everything that was good about my system was made better.....and not just by a little.  Usually, with accessories / tweaks, one aspect, or area of your system's performance can change or improve, but another area may suffer.  As an example, the magic in your midrange may gain, but the top end may suffer and sound closed-in or muted as a consequence.  This is definitely not the case with the Corelli.  Everything sounded better, and NO downsides.  Tonally, the top end (wait until you hear the sound of mass violins) was beautiful, the midrange (listen to a male, and a female vocal) had texture and just sounded more real, the bottom end somehow now had the correct weight, and definition.  Another huge (and I really mean huge) improvement was the air provided within the soundstage.  That air was responsible for providing much more depth in the soundstage that was immediate, and noticeable.  Instruments and vocals clearly now had space between them, and were more easily identified as to where each were located within the soundstage.  Now, that air transports you into the room where the musicians are performing.  You can hear the boundaries of that room.  The word that coming to mind as I was listening to my system with the Corelli, was stunning.  Absolutely STUNNING.  Never had I hear my system sound so beautiful.  The better the recording, the more obvious the audible improvement.
Lastly, I want to reemphasize that all acoustic instruments in the recording sound much, much more real, or natural.  The sound of an acoustic guitar, the sound of human vocals, stand up bass, violins, etc, etc, all are much more realistic.  I don't own a Corelli (yet), but, after hearing the Corelli in my system last night, I guarantee it is going to be my next audio purchase!  
Oh, let me add, that we experimented using different power cords.  Although, the Corelli's magic was there with even an inexpensive after-market power cord, with the change to a more refined power cord, the Corelli's performance was even pronounced.  Once you hear this thing, you'll keep it!
@louisl   +1

I've had the Corelli in system for sometime now and can second your findings. I find that it very much responds to power cords.

The largest impact was when I went from the wall outlet (shared with the power distribution/supply) to direct into my power distribution unit.
Power conditioners can have a profound effect on a system.  Both positive and negative, so don't dismiss it out of hand.  Unfortunately, it's impossible to know without trying.  I hate to generalize, but I think they may be most effective for listeners who value tonality and low-level information, as many conditioners reduce noise, leaving more of a feeling of space and tone.  But in a high-powered system playing rock, I don't know.  I use an Audience conditioner and I'm very happy with it, but I haven't tried others.  
For those not familiar with the Akiko Corelli: It’s a passive conditioner and is not directly in the path of the current flow.