How does a Transport effect sound?

hi guys,

Been wondering about this: How does a CD Transport effect sound?  Isn't it just reading the disc and sending the 1s and 0s to the DAC.  Shouldn't every transport sound the same?


Steve N.

Thank you very much for testing the cables and posting those new data.  It seems the spectral plots may be more useful than the jitter distribution (which looked amazingly similar) when trying to correlate with listening impressions.  It would be interesting to know whether there are specific attributes in the spectra besides total jitter that correlate with specific qualities; i.e. wide bass vs natural attack and decay of chimes, bells, imaging, etc. All very interesting if one was designing cables but far outside my area of expertise.  Thanks again for posting the comparisons with your cables.

I apologize to the OP for straying from the original question posed concerning transports!



Yes, it was within the 2 week period. It took about 45 days for you to finally grant me the pleasure of your refund.
It also took 2 months for you to make the unit because you said you don’t have much spare time to produce the lower end of your products and that you would not be rushed by anyone.

Again, I hope you have changed your attitude with dealing with customers. However,  I for one would NEVER try one of your products again based on my experience with you!

Just saw this post and thought I would give my impression on the service I received from Empirical Audio with no prompting from Steve. I too tried the upgraded SM with the upgraded PS and it really transformed my Modwright Marantz SA 8005 CD Player across the board but didn't work out using a dedicated Dac. 

My unit was received within a week of ordering and the refund was accomplished within 24-48 hrs from the arrival of the unit back to Steve. A positive experience for me.



Very interesting. I find that 99% of the comments on Agon by Steve seem to be self-serving. The comments are always ultimately designed to promote his products in some way. For example, Steve maintains that no DAC maker has addressed incoming jitter problems fully - yet he sells products that claim to do exactly that. (Interesting that he is the ONLY person to have solved this common and well recognized problem) On the hand, I have done extensive research and maintain that certain highly reputable DAC makers have implemented highly robust methods to reject the ubiquitous incoming interface jitter....

Thank you for your reply. Perhaps you got one from stock or maybe it was a returned item? I was not so lucky. I stated previously it took 2 months, it was actually closer to 3. And I hate it when you have to pay for an item and keep waiting and waiting for shipment. Yes, I kept emailing him about my order, that is when he commented that his life activities are so busy and important that he won’t be rushed by anyone.
As I said before, perhaps the owner has started to treat customers with more respect. That’s a good thing.


I concur.
The better the Dac the less important these add on devices are. I did however enjoy the Mutec USB+ unit.
