Digital vs Vinyl: The winner is ??

Guess that settles that!

What are this guys credentials?  What systems has he listened to?

The same recording both digital and analog is a fairly big difference IME, not a small one, particularly given the two systems at the same price-point.

Ultimately, he got to the right result, digital beats vinyl (because of the physical limitations of vinyl).   But the devil is always in the details.  Expensive vinyl system versus expensive digital system??  It all depends.

I suspect that some inexpensive vinyl systems may beat inexpensive digital systems.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Interesting. The control group doing the comparisons, the standard deviations were interesting with the sd of those who prefer analog treble quite a bit wider. The important thing here what digital tape machine and what analog tape machine were used? Additionally, some mics work better to capture analog and some work better to capture things digitally due to many factors, not least of which is the mic's frequency response and dynamic capabilities. Were they using the same recording levels on each machine because you actually shouldn't.

Most importantly, they were NOT comparing cd/digital files to vinyl playback, they compared digital tape to analog tape. Not only does this not prove anything, it muddies things. Lastly, music majors....they listen for what they listen for....which is they usually listen for their instrument alone when critically listening.
@ghasley  Good point about what music majors would listen for.  They are so hyper-focused on their instrument that they are listening for individual trees rather than to the whole musical forest.🌲