Which tubes do I change??

My preamp uses both 12AT7's and 12AX7's tubes. I've installed Gold Lions, 
and after a couple hundred hours of play, I feel that the bass is a bit boomy. 
Which of the aforementioned tubes would you recommend changing
@lewm he said "Jolida fusion pre. Digital source."
So no records, cartridges etc

the tubes does effect the sound, i would recommend you to try NOS old tubes from the 60s or 70s. Telefunken military ECC801s are not bass heavy, but christal clear and holographic. Sylvania Gold 6bq5 with gold pins are great and not expensive, really worth to try them! Vintage Matsushita 12at7 pinched tails are rare, made on Japanese factory build by Mullard, this is also great tubes.

12AT7 and 12AX7 are all relatively cheap, so you can easily replace all of them to the NOS tubes. Have you ever compared NOS tubes from the 60/70s era to the modern tubes ? Those Gold Lions made in Russia.

The Russian tubes are not bad, but in my experience the NOS tubes are better if you know the exact brand or model to look for.
Dear @markj41: All. Put on sale your Jolida and buy a SS preamp. Tubes are not for audio home system MUSIC reproduction no matter what. Period. Sop to degrade your digital recordings.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Dear @markj41: All. Put on sale your Jolida and buy a SS preamp. Tubes are not for audio home system MUSIC reproduction no matter what. Period. Sop to degrade your digital recordings.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

There is only one thing wrong with your advice Raul, it does not take into account the element of taste.  Some people prefer a Bordeaux, some a Riesling, whatever.  It is all good.
