Speaker Upgrade

Hello. I'm considering upgrading my speakers. I can't say I'm unhappy with my current speakers (what you don't know won't hurt you) but suppose I'm curious if new speakers will make a difference. I'm actually quite happy with my current speakers but psychologically I wonder if a new set will sound better.

My system consists of a Yamaha DSP-1A integrated amp, Pro-Ject Debut Carbonturntable (acrylic platter equipped) with an Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge, a Denon DVD-2900 DVD/CD player (used just for CD's) and a DBX 3BX-DS. My speakers consist of a pair ofWharfedale Rubiance RB-27's in the front and RB-23's in the rear with a Mirage FRX-S15powered subwoofer. Everything is about 20years old except for the turntable which is about a year old. room is 15 feet by 12 feet and is fairly heavily furnished (it doubles as my office). I have the listening area set up width-wise. And I listen to primarily classical, jazzand big band.

I started thinking about new speakers after seeing so many articles and videos praising the Elac Debut speakers. So naturally these arewhat I'm considering (F5/B5 or F6/B6 combos) and I'll keep the Mirage sub. I did speak to alocal high-end audio shop who suggested thatI also audition Klipsch and B&W. I did meet someone recently who is selling his 1 monthold Elac F5 speakers for $350 so I considering that heavily. But I don't want to just buy a newset of speakers (even if they are a great deal) if they don't sound much different (or better)than my Wharfedale's.

If I do this, I don't think I want to spend much more than $1,000 if new for fronts and rears (I can get the Elac F5/B5 combo for about this new and much less it'd I go used).

Does anyone out there have any experience with and thoughts on Wharfedale Rubiancespeakers as compared with today's speakers like the Elac F5 ad F6?

 I am also not a fan of the B&W speakers. Please keep in mind though that I do have a mirage 15 inch down firing subwoofer.

FYI, I hooked up the ADS speakers last night and in all honesty found little difference between them and my Wharfedales. They did have a little bit more at the bottom end, but when I kick in the subwoofer, I really couldn't hear that much of a difference.

I'm going to meet the gentleman with the used Vandersteen 2Ce this afternoon. I'll let you know what I think of them later tonight.
Good luck C.  Hope that our call helped.  Hope you get a chance to get up to Johnny's with your amp and try some new amps.  Honestly, that alone may give you much much better sound.  The 2's are in a different league than what you have and what the ADS are and it's not close to most ears I'm sure.