Do I need a sut?

I purchased an Ortofon MC2000 cart from a fellow A'Goner, it is very low output .05mV, my phono pre is a Herron VTPH-2 which has 69db of gain and my pre is a Herron VTSP-3a(r02) 14db gain.
The cart sounds wonderful, but with such a low gain I have to turn up the volume by quite a lot. If I had, another source at that volume, I wouldn't be able to stand it. With the volume turned up so high I get a fair amount of noise between tracks. 
Should I be looking at an sut or just live with it the way it is? I found an Ortofon at a decent price, it has 24db of gain. Would that be ok to go into the mc input on the VTPH-2? The mm gain is 48db, if I plugged it in there I would only gain 3db(if I'm doing my math correctly) I will also be contacting Keith, but I thought I would ask here too.
Dear @jdodmead : Don't pull the triger yet on that SUT. Gain and noise are only two SUT issues for you and that great MC 2000 you own. The FR XG-5 is and will makes atremendous /heavy degradation to the 2000 quality levelperformance. It's not the rigth SUT, it's a very low quality SUT.

Do it a favor and buy a different SUT because that is terribel.

Before you buy any SUT you have to look not only for the high gain the cartridge needs but the SUT frequency response that must be in the range: 10hz to 100khz at least and it has to stay flat and with very low noise/distortion levels. These are the SUT manufacturer specs.

If you can't afford the rigth spec SUT then stay away from low price SUTs. The T2000 was designed ( all silver wiring. ) expressely for the MC 2000 and the levels of noise depends not only in the SUT it self but if the additional IC cables has very god shielding or not and even the cable orientation in the system rack or if there are other electronics/active transformer around that induces noise.

If the Herron designer can help you in some ways for gain in that great cartridge then ask him directly before you make any choice. The MC 2000 deserves the best for it can shows it at its best.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
I did purchase the FR, but now I'm trying to see if I can back out of that purchase(if it hasn't shipped yet). I did previously send you a couple e-mails requesting your advice, but maybe you didn't receive them, that's why I posted here.
 I don't know that SUT in particular but fidelity research is known for making very fine stuff.   And as somebody else mentioned it is very saleable should you not like it. And the reason why it is very saleable is because it is very good. 
Dear @jdodmead : Sorry to hear about those emails and you are not the first gentleman to tell me about. Sometimes my mail takes its own decissions ( always. ) and puts some mails in the non-desirable ones carpet that I never check out or I received ok. and did not answer what is not my usual attitude but could been my fault. Apologizes.

Again, try to have the best advise from the Herron designer it self and if he can't do anything additional of what you have then stay where you are till you have the money for the rigth SUT or a new phonolinepreamp.

I know very well that cartridge quality level performance and I know that even with high noise levels the quality performance is really fine and no one wants to perceive degradation on that well know high performance quality levels.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
 Hi Jeff,Don't sweat it, just get the sUTand try it. As long as you didn't overpay you should be able to get it out of it unscathed if you want to.  Raul just hates SUTs in general and Tubes as well so I wouldn't give him too much credibility.   He may be right about the frequency response not going out to 100 kHz but that's not important anyways. As long as it doesn't have a sharp cut off at 25 kHz like digital it's not gonna show any anomalies in the audible range. Specs only tell half the story but he seems fixated on them. Another thing to consider is back in those days manufacturers were honest about the specs whereas these days it seems numbers are just chosen out of thin air sometimes.