Are my " diamond " tweeters really diamond

Could my diamond tweeters be coated with zircons and not real diamonds. I paid a lot of extra money for those diamonds.

Is an interesting comparison as to which method of damping produces the best result in dealing with certain distortions, high damping or internal damping. High damping meaning the ability to resist distortions due to increased rigidity or internal damping so that distortions are instead dissipated via friction in the fabric and doping material.

With a very rigid dome, even energy going back into the cavity behind the dome requires damping as the dome will be impacted by return energy. Fabric domes will be affected as well, but will further dissipate this energy as it propagates through. While its important to either side, its less of an issue for soft domes. This doesn't imply one being clearly superior, just that an engineer has different set of issue priorities based on material selection. But I do feel that fabric domes can be more forgiving in designs with the understanding that your accepting certain performance limitations.

As for the dispositions of sound quality based on given material, its being given more weight then it should by many.  We see many different designs show considerable ranges performance with very similar raw materials. The extra effort in thought and engineering really make all the difference. The engineers experience with certain materials can allow them to achieve more due to better understanding of material properties and solutions.
Warning: Diamond tweeters can be the worst engagement token ever…regardless of how well your fiancé tolerates your audio hobby you can get those utterly misunderstood, and you look like a jerk on the Jumbotron. I also agree that the diamond coated/berellium/titanium/soft dome/hard dome/thunderdome/folded foil/air transformer/blow torch vapor/plasma flame gas bag hype of tweeter material is meaningless except for what a speaker designer does with these things…I've heard vintage soft domes sound absolutely crystal clear and metal domes sound "meh" and dull…I do like screened ones that resist poking by drunk partiers, or deep horns that resist everything but maniacally sprayed champagne.
I think bit coins would make a better tweeter the all the crap listed about by the wolf man.

Well perhaps with that one exception...........depending on the size of the bag...if they are huge bags, the very best bags...that might bi OK.