What is your favorite budget audio component?

Just wondering for the sake of curiosity and general sharing and education among audiophiles, “What is your favorite budget audio component?” And as a bonus, “Why do you consider it budget and why is it good?” 
Since budget might be relative, I would say audio gear like MBL, Wilson MAXX speakers or anything ultra high end should not be considered.

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Wyred4Sound modded Sonos:CONNECT and Nordost purple flare power cord. The modded Sonos is a bit over or under $1,000.00 and the cord is another $75.00 or so.... depends on the sale. A bargain digital source, that I feel equals many more expensive streamers, and is not limited to Tidal. See DAR for supporting arguments and reviews. 
Used Klipsch Heritage speakers with Jolida integrated tube amp; awesome sound for under 1000.
Airpulse Model 1 powered monitors. $995 - on sale for $895 right now. Awesome Phil Jones designed speakers.