What is the best speaker for a small room 10X11

I'm lucky enough to have a dedicated listening room (WAF is not a factor), but I'm wondering if my Dunlavey SC3''s are the right choice... room is 10X11 with 9' ceilings..

I listen to a bit of everything, but most interested in jazz & blues.


VPI Aries/JMW 10/Shelter 501
Meridian 506/Monarchy DIP/Upsampler/DAC

Audio Research LS-7
(Supratek Syrah has been ordered)

McCormack DNA 0.5 (Upgraded by Steve to Rev. A)
I'm not unhappy with the tonal balance of the room, just the imaging.... I'm working on isolating the sources better (just built a sand box topped with 1" stone plate for the VPI), but keep wanting more...

In terms of current placement, I'm currently working according to Cardas' recco's:
-golden rectangles (48 inches from back wall, 30 inches from side walls) &
-near field

I think the golden rectangle approach helped (although I use more toe-in than he reccomends), but I keep moving further back than the near field equilateral triangle...

Another tweak I'm using is the following:
Take a slightly out of square piece of MDF, put 4 woodscrews through it (so that they stick out about 3/4 inch). Put this thing screw side down on the carpet (spikes)... then I put 4 X #4 vibrapods over the screws & the speakers on top.

This helps with the imaging....

Thanks again for all your thoughts, keep 'em coming...

Hope he made the right choice in eleven years! I guess some guys really take their time!