Doshi Jhor 90W monoblocks

Has anyone had experience with a Dohsi John 90W amp? I am looking to use them with my SonUs Faber Olympia IIIs. Not much information on the web. 

Basic Specs
EL34 Pentode output tubes – 90 watts per channel
Input Impedance: 75k ohms
Sensitivity: .775v rms for full power
Feedback: 22db
Output Impedance: 4 ohms
Output Power: 90 w
Here are the specs for my speakers
35 Hz – 30.000 Hz, tuning port included.
90 dB SPL (2.83 V/1m). NOMINAL
4 ohm.
50W – 300W, without clipping.
22V rms.

Room 13 X 15 feet 195 sq feet
ceiling 7 feet
Total volume = 1365 feet

Source:     MiniMac 2014 3.0GHZ I7 16 GB 4TB SSD as NAS
Software:     Roon, Tidal
DAC:       PS Audio Directstream
PreAmp:     As phono stage Moving Coil Anthem Pre 1
PreAmp:   Doge Clarity preamp used as line stage and MM phono stage
Turntable:     VPI Aries Limited Edition
Speakers:   SonUs Faber Olympia III
Sub:       SVS SB13-Ultra
Power:     Furman Elite-15 PFi
Cart:             Denon MC DL-103R
SUT:       Bob’s Devices SKY

I am a newbie. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


I have not heard the Doshi however, I have heard many people whom I respect say that the Doshi stuff is excellent. 

The biggest issue is that a company like Doshi has very few dealers throughout the country so they are hard to demo.

Other great salwarts like ARC and CJ might also interest you.

We have a demo pair of CJ Art amplifiers which use 6650 or KT 120 which are punchy tubes with great bass.

The  EL 34 tube is known for musicallity rather than bass omph so it will also depend on how you want to use your system. 

If you are new to tube amplifiers PM us we have a lot of experience with many different brands and can give you a low down on what you might want to expect.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I've never read anything that was less then positive when it comes to Doshi, so I imagine the Johr's are very nice amps.

Are you specifically looking for an amp with EL34 output tubes?  Or any specific reason you are considering the Doshi's?
Doshi Johr is voiced for Wilson Sasha's and bit on dark side so IMO not best match for SF.   For tube amps, checkout ARC.
I am looking at a used Johr and would like to try tubes. My preamp only has RCA unbalanced inputs. This would be my first tube amp with a speaker known to be hard to drive at 4ohms