Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Ironically the process has been perfected and the final version is coming out as X-12. There will be no X-13.It now has TOTAL control of the data recovered from the original recording. The Auto-Focus system has been perfected and now the holographic "display" is a full clone with no distortion and no noise. It can project the same acoustic layout including the exact spacing between objects as recorded. (at the proper volume of course) and the brain does in fact perceive it as live.

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Roger believed in his product enough to let you hear it for yourself. To test the device in question. IOW, he put up. You, on the other hand, irrespective of the circumstances, HAVE NOT put up. It is that simple. Everything else is chest thumping.  
I have in no way said that I believe what he has said. If you could please point out where I said that, I would be grateful. On the other hand, I have not discounted it either. I am curious though, what exactly would you "risk" by listening to this piece of equipment? Your pride? Your beliefs? Financial obligation aside of course. I would love to audition one of these. Of course, IF (note I said if) I found it to do what Roger says and reported it as I heard it, I would be labeled a kool aid drinker, a dupe, and subject to confirmation bias because it cannot possibly be so. It would be better if one of the people that claims this to be snake oil actually test it in their own system and report what they heard. If you heard Roger's device do what he describes, would you be man enough to come back to these pages and report that?
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The point of this thread was to discuss Nelson’s statement that amps are a solved problem, that there is no technically perfect amp, and that they are, for all intents and purposes, art.
I understand that it is his viewpoint or opinion but it is not factual.
His mission or target or goal (according to the article) is to make an amp with a particular "sound" or signature.

There are few things I enjoy so much as to contemplate the specific (and complex) characteristics of the many transistors (or tubes) and how they might fit into an amplifier to deliver a sound which has a particular signature.

Rather than go through all the devices as if they were shades of paint on a mixing palette - I prefer to make an amp with "no sound".  By default in order to have a "sound" the amplifier modifies the pure input signal to include a form of distortion or corruption based on the devices used. It is not necessarily bad thing but I don't want to hear the parts - the only thing I want to hear is the music.

As far as bold statements - I am trying to be polite. I have a policy of not criticizing or speaking ill of other designers. Mr. Pass by his own words is not seeking the perfect amp. I am.

I could give you a few bold statements of fact but it generally won't sit well with some individuals that post or read this thread. It would be good news for some and bad news for others.