Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.
Some points for snark Mr. Geoff. One reason people buy these cables is because the dealer advises them that they need them. I knew a dealer who would roll around in a pile of cables moaning. He said it made them sound better. The people I feel sorry for however, if I may lower the financial bar, are low and middle tier buyers who buy cables that make up 25% of the system price.
I keep reading about these poor people tricked into buying very expensive cable for their very modest systems...haven't met one yet...

noromance OP
Some points for snark Mr. Geoff. One reason people buy these cables is because the dealer advises them that they need them. I knew a dealer who would roll around in a pile of cables moaning. He said it made them sound better. The people I feel sorry for however, if I may lower the financial bar, are low and middle tier buyers who buy cables that make up 25% of the system price.

Fake news. Be happy, don’t feel sorry! Don’t follow leaders, watch the parking meters.

🐑 🐑 🚶

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rule #2 you do not talk about fight club