Are horns and hi-eff designs becoming more popular

I feel they are but wonder what others think? Since today one can build hi-eff designs in most any type of loudspeaker. With many new hi-eff transducers availible. Hi-effs not just front or back horn designs anymore.
there are perhaps individual companies(newer or start ups)experiencing more sales, but this hobby as a rule, is not capturing the imaginations of a larger consumer base. doesn't mean it won't be around...just means that overall 'flat' is the new 'up' for horns 'honking'..i prefer to refer to it as 'color and speed'.
Nothing like listening to a bit of HONKy Tonk Train Blues or HONKy Tonk Women on a pair of horn speakers that honk.
If you don't like the sound of that honky horn all you have to do is dampen the whole outside of the horn...end of problem!!
Just like trumpet players do? still would sound better than 90% of all the speakers out
Yes Pehare I own KCS and mentioned earlyer when a member asked for sugestions.That since I manufacter I didnt want to be thought of as having bias so I didnt list any, later he asked again and I posted a few including my company.