Tube Amp Pricing

I’ve been curious about the costs of tube gear. As far as my layman eyes can see, the components in tube amps look similar. And yet, the pricing is all over the place - $30,000 to $1,000. Is it the amount of engineering that explains the wide differences in cost, the components, or a combination of the two? Just curious

This question comes up periodically.  The answer in good part lies in the aesthetics.  The faceplate is often the most expensive element.  Then the rest such as the capacitors as mentioned, some use large banks of them, then volume ladders and other resistors, wire transformers  and so on depending on the design.
Thanks for the responses guys. It has been enlightening. Competition being what it is, I kind of figured pricing was where it should be.
I doubt it is where it should be(!)

Benchmark is an xlnt amp for $3k - I'd like to see the reliable listening tests of amps that can 'beat' it.

At some level one might select resistors carefully (maybe after caps, active devices, transformers, circuit design, etc.), so see this:

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I would imagine the quality of the tubes could also be a factor.  A Chinese 12au7 costing $10 vs. a NOS Mullard for $300.