Naim Nait 2 vs. Rega Mira 3

I have owned a Nait 2 and orginal Rega Planet (with extra attenuation) for about 6 months. I recently got the itch to change and moved to a Rega Apollo and Rega Mira 3. My preliminary notes show that it just doesn't sound as good to me. Anybody have any reflections on this?
I am still happily using the Niat 2. I recently changed to a Naim CDX, and I am not sure I like it more than the Planet. As people have said about the CDX, it is pretty unforgiving. And, it seems to add a bit of sibilance that I have not heard before. I have to do some more critical listening, however. I may end up back with the Planet. I would never have guessed it. I don't mind a forgiving player, as I listen to a lot of imperfectly recorded music.
Update.  I have tried several amps to replace the Nait 2 and have found none that I like better.  Tried Sugden, Lavardin, and several others.  I can't put my finger on what I like, but I am stuck with it.  I have a 47 Labs Shigaraki digital rig now.  Easily the best CD system at its price--bar none.  I'm about to finally spring for a Linn LP 12.  I am told the synergy is wonderful.  We shall see.

Update. I have tried several amps to replace the Nait 2 and have found none that I like better. Tried Sugden, Lavardin, and several others.
What other amps have you tried?
Yes, curious minds would like to know :)  

Interesting thread, I like reading about the Nait 2, I actually never heard one before but had a couple of Onix integrateds - the OA21s and the OA20/2 and they were both spectacular, often being called the poor man's Naim Nait II.