Koetsu cartridges - what arms work?

Hello. I wonder if there are arms that Koetsu cartridges are particularly synergistic with?

Any insight would certainly be appreciated.

I have a rebuilt ( from Koetsu ) Rosewood.
Two tonearms.
One a Moerch DP8 ( 12 inch, blue armwand )
Two a Fidelity Research FR66s. Various headshells. The best fit was the Arche w/ silver leads.

The Koetsu sounded sublime in both arms. If I had to pick a winner, it would probably be the FR66s.

Now I'm not saying the FR66s is better than the Moerch. But with the Rosewood, it is to my ears. The Moerch, I think, bettered the FR66s with some other cartridges.

But both were superb performers with the Rosewood.
I am running a Koetsu Urushi Gold in an FR-64fx.  Works great.  I was told by a long lost friend at Sumiko that Koetsu's were originally designed by Sugano for FR tonearms.

I also have a Sumiko MDC-800 and it does not work as well with the Koetsu as with the FR.  The MDC-800, with a 3g headshell weight, works very well with my Miyajima Shilabe.    Both are low compliance cartridges - so go figure.  

As my friend Raul often points out - putting a cartridge and a tonearm together is like a marriage - it can go great, or it can cause you to tear your hair out, and the only way to find out how it's going to go is to try it.  Spec.s only tell you so much.
I have used a Koetsu for most of my audiophile life. I still have a Rosewood Pro IV, the last great cartridge from the old man Sugano.

I have used it on many different arms over the years, although not the Graham/Triplaner/insert name of stupidly expensive arm here.  I even bought a Koetsu arm thinking that would be the ultimate. It was the worst. My final solution for this cartridge will be controversial, and disliked by many.

The arm: Linn.

I may be the only person on earth that uses a Linn arm on a non-Linn table. I bought a used ITTOK just to try it out. The Koetsu LOVES this arm! It loved it so much, I bought an EKOS, as it is the ultimate ITTOK.