Whats playing on your system today?

Today I decided to listen to two of my favorite rock guitar heros and one great vocalist. Guitarist' Robin Trower, Ronnie Montrose and vocalist Davey Pattison.

I listened to Trower songs:
Bridge of sighs, Stitch in time, The fool and me, my personal favorite- Too rolling stoned and others.....

Then I pulled out "Gamma". 
I listened to: Razor King, Wish I was and Skin and bone and others.....

Davey Pattison hooked has also up with Michael Shenker also. I really enjoyed my day so far. Anybody else heard anything good?



Hey @milpai - found that Human Remains on the Spot. Pretty fussy about the country I listen to but his songs are strong. Guy is kinda John Prine & Kris Kristofferson with a little Randy Newman thrown in. Can’t be a bad thing. Do I hear Lucinda Williams doing harmony vocals? Pretty sure I do. Another good thing.

Interesting guy as per the bio in Wikipedia...
@ghosthouse , I thought this was folk music. But anyway, I liked the music. Wiki page indicates that it is Lucinda Williams on this album. Will check out other albums by Allen and see if I like them.
I’m listening to Radio Paradise (again!) tonight. Honestly, if broadcast radio was this good, I’d have to get a tuner again. Do you guys listen to RP internet radio? It’s friggin’ awesome IMHO. I have my little Raspberry Pi music streamer/renderer playing it at low volume 24X7 in my basement listing room. I’ll drop in at 7am, lunch, after work and late at night just to hear what they are playing. I absolutely love their eclectic mix.

BTW, playing right now of RP - THE classic screamin’ guitar jam - "Big Country".

In my opinion Led Zeppelin's "Since I've Been Lovin'You" is one of the greatest rock songs ever recorded and definitely one of my favorites.
It will always sound fresh!😎
Hey arcam88 - A big AMEN to that!  (tried to @ ya but it wasn't working).

@reubent - Don't know Radio Paradise but certainly interested in checking it out.  The Aries Mini provides access to internet radio.  It's unexplored territory for me.  Have to say I do miss the great FM stations from when I lived on the east coast.  Does RP have DJ's...i.e. radio personalities with some reasonably intelligent commentary?  Either way, thanks for the recommendation