PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

I owned a DR25 years ago and sold it to fund a BAT VK500, which was different but not particularly an upgrade.  I should have lived with the DR25 longer but was reading too many reviews and chasing the brass ring back then.
thielist...thinking about it again, I highly recommend that you decide on one component at a time. There's no need to decide on a preamp now or anything else for that matter. We all hear differently and enjoy a different sound since recreating the original event is impossible, go for the sound that you like. I see this clearly amongst my group of audiophile friends, we all have invested quite a bit in our system and they all sound different. Once you have decided on an amp, you will have a better idea of what flavor you want more of. If the system is dark add a fast solid state pre, if it's too analytical add a warm tube pre, after that you can fine tune more by tube rolling and with cables to achieve the sound you want. Recommendations and reviews can only give an idea of what a component sounds like, your room will play a major role in the outcome, so focus on one piece at a time, you'll be happier at the end.
scar972 thanks for your advice, i will obiously start to find the right amp do drive my Thiels properly and then move up the chain.
That's why i'm starting to do these home auditions of amps first.
After the Ypsilon i will try to arrange an audition of the D'agostino classic.
Well guys my home Ypsilon demo date has been pushed to end of february.
But the good thing is that the distributor might have the PST-100 MKll preamp by that time so he should be able to come with the full Ypsilon system.
Keep you guys posted.