Looking for a DAC < $1500

Need two coax inputs to hook up my CDP and Bluesound Node2. Not too many out there with two coax inputs but found a couple on A'gon and trying to decide; Bryston BDA-2, Primare Systems DAC 30, and for just a little more, a McIntosh D100. If your money, which would you pick. Or should I just go with something new from Marantz reference line that plays CD (or SACD) and has a coax input. The goal is to take the digital glare from my CD player - a real midfi unit, and the Bluesound's internal DAC. Thanks.
" But, I'd love to hear from any fanatic out there that has done A/B comparisons to the Oppo 105, using newer DAC/chip designs."

I've compared the Oppo to other products. Its an OK starter component, but you can only do so much at that price point. Also, if you're not using it for video, a good portion of the cost goes into stuff you don't need. 

As far as comparing the dac chips, its extremely difficult to isolate just one small part of the player. More importantly, you're focusing on small things while ignoring the big ones. Have you considered anything involving the analog portion of the dac? It accounts for at least 50% of the sound you hear, and it usually makes a much bigger difference than the chip. I compared the Oppo to CD players that were 15-20 years old. Those players may not have a modern dac chip, but they do have exceptional analog stages. On Redbook CD, they made the Oppo sound defective. 
Do a search for chip vs R2R.  See what you find.  mb1audi02 is on to something but the power supply is what can make a huge difference in any component.  I build a DAC that has a bigger and better power supply that most amps do.  It depends on the design and how it is implemented though.

kalali the glare is the component that cannot process the digital signal very well.  When you are ready for something different let me know.  I will send you something to change your world.  Happy Listening.
Currently doing a shootout on three DACs the Bryston bda-2 the Schiit Yggdrasil and the McIntosh D100... All the Dacs are loaned and broke in.  Started comparing last Thursday so far the Bryston is more detailed with tighter more defined bass the Yggdrasil is a close second the bass is bloated and blubbering mids and highs are great!! The McIntosh not as good mids or highs as the other two and the bottom end is better than the Yggdrasil but not as good as the Bryston.. The McIntosh seems to be on par with the emotiva DC1 that I am replacing.. Right know the Bryston seems to be ahead we will see what the week brings! Source is Bryston BDP-Pi and a laptop with Jriver and a oppo 103 used as transport