Shunyata Venom IC's review

I have been an denier of the benefit of pricey cabling, but got a pair of Grove Huffman's IC's a while back and they were a clear improvement over my Signal Cable IC's.  Later, a pair of Morrow MA2 IC's was a sonic improvement in my bedroom system.  I read a recent review of the new Shunyata Venom cables, which was laudatory, but not over the top.  For some reason I can't recall, I was prompted to order a pair of them from The Cable Company and got them a couple of days ago.  I swapped the GH cables for them and right out of the box, the Venom ICs sounded great.  They have wonderful extension and great inner detail without a hint of stridency.  I interchanged the GH and Venom IC's several times and the Venom's seemed to my ears to sound "just right", clearly preferable to the very good GH IC's.  I never would have expected myself to drop a $300 on a pair of IC's, thinking it out would be a waste of money, but I am at the moment quite enthralled with the sound of these Venom IC's.  I see dozens for IC's for sale on AG at what I consider to be budget-busting prices, but I will say the outlay of $300 for these Venom cables appears to be a worthwhile investment.  Just my two-sense worth.  Mark

Thanks for your thoughts and taking the time to post.
I've never tried the Shunyata Research interconnects, but I have heard improvement by trying many other high priced interconnects. At times it's like being on a marygoround and eventually one needs to just be happy and listen to the music.
Best regards...

I have been swapping my current power cord for the new Shunyata Venom power cord ($120) and by gosh do sense lots noise, a darker background, and a more lively presentation to the music with the Shunyata's.  I will continue the swapping, but so far, I think both the Venom IC's and power cables are sonic improvement in my system at a a reasonable price.  Overall, my system just seems to have more "jump" to the sound, as inarticulate as that sounds.  
I've been listening to IC and Speaker cables VS Analysis Plus Solo Crystal IC and speaker cables for the past few days. Thus far the speaker cables have made the greatest positive impression. Quieter background, less stringency, awesome placement of instruments across the soundstage.  Timbre has also improved. I'm impressed. Less forward than the Analysis Plus but no details are lost. Yet to get a full grasp on the IC comparison, but certainly less dramatic influence on the system than the speaker cables.