Your first component that was "special"

I got into hifi 40 years ago. I had a Pioneer receiver, Kenwood table, various entry level cartridges (ADC, Stanton, Empire) and Studio Design speakers. I wound up buying a Shure V15 Type 3 cartridge. That was the first piece of gear I bought that was way beyond ordinary. I had kept the cartridge until about 2o years ago- I sold it because by then no decent replacement stylus was available. Wish I still had it.

That would be a pair of Fried Beta Signature series satellite speakers with a Fried "The Subwoofer" back in 85. At that time they were a true revelation compared to what I was using and a major step into this crazy hobby for me.

I still have them boxed up in storage and every once in a great while hook them up just for fun. Sure they are rolled off on the top end due to the cone tweeter but they are musical and that is an attribute I value.
Yamaha NS1000M speakers, had them for over 30 years. Sold them 2 years ago for, effectively, more than I paid for them originally. Even so, I regret selling them. Similar story with my Quad 44 pre-amp and 606 Mk2 power amp. Did not sell these for anything like what I paid for them originally. I regret selling them.
My first was a Dynaco stereo 70. Started a love affair with tubes that i have till this day
I will never get over my ARC SP6. I had been running mid-fi until then. Started the madness. Had that unit through B and C mods. Like my 65 Mustang, I should have never sold it.

My first feeling of stumbling onto something special was the result of a combination of a well mastered reissue of Miles’ My funny Valentine and Jobim’s and Getz’s samba record that when I played them through some Mirage Omnisat speakers in parrallel with the chewed up Advents I had that played music that took me there and breathed into the room also. Another special recording with that stiched together Craiglist set up that floated my boat was Robbie Robertson’s first solo release. I’m sorry I realize the question was which component was the first special one but it’s hard to say it was just the little Mirage speaker that was special and gave me a spaciousness I’d not been exposed to. But Id have to say it was my first personal experience of a system synergy that was special aided by those Mirage Omnisats’ in consort with certain recordings.