Gryphon Vitus Gamut

Would you elaborate on how they sound? Differences, similarities, particular sound signatures etc.
I can't comment on Gamut as I haven't heard them, though I know their gear to be well engineered and fine sounding.

Vitus to me is in the musical camp. Their Signature Series is slightly on the warm side, well controlled, resolving, yet smooth across the frequency spectrum and non-fatiguing. I own a Vitus SIA-025 integrated and SCD-025 Mk2 cdp. The SCD-025 Mk2 sounds analogue-like and has a wonderful 'flow'. There is rich tone and music has body and presence like good vinyl. Build quality is excellent.

The SIA-025 is well controlled. It feels like a 175 watt power amp. After fully warming up in Class A mode, it sounds warm, musical and tube-like. There is a touch of Class A sweetness, though not as much as the Dartzeel CTH8550. But I think Vitus got the balance just right.

In terms of tonal balance, Gryphon lies somewhere between Soulution/CH Precision which offer a very high level of accuracy, transient speed and transparency at one end of the spectrum, and Vitus/Dartzeel at the other, being slightly warmer, fuller and more laid back.
Melbguy1, how do Gryphon and Vitus compare in terms of rhythm, dynamics and bass?
I have the Gamut L5s and they are very good. I used them  with a CJ 350 but had a minor fault and while they were gone I had a chance to get a Gamut 200 mk2. It sounds very good so I may keep it. Have not heard the others.