Streaming DSD from Linux - Not as hard as I thought!

You might care about this even if you are a Windows / Mac person because Linux PC's are ridiculously cheap, like $100 or less if you go with a Raspberry Pi3.

Since I want to game and do video streaming I didn't go that cheap though. I got a mini case with a mini ITX motherboard and installed Ubuntu 16 on it. The music part of this was super easy. The hard part was getting the video and Steam games set up. This is the reason why I didn't go full miniature server, I want to do games and online video from the PC.

Anyway, I downloaded Logitech Media Server 7.9, and Squeezelite.  Enabled DSD plugin on LMS, and used the -D switch on Squeezelite.  I used a USB 3.0 hub so I could hide the PC in a cabinet, and pull the connection out to the audio gear. Set my Mytek Brooklyn DAC to USB and like Magic, it all works.  I also can use the Android app Squeezer to control it, as well as the Web interface.

I spent around $500 for the complete set up, including an A10 CPU, motherboard, 650 watt power supply, case, 2 TB hard drive, and DVD drive so I can rip CD's.

I may also do a raspberri Pi solution to make the music independent.  One thing that I don't like about my current set up is I have to disable Squeezelite to do video/games. It hogs the audio connection.  Having a mini, cheap player dedicated to music won't sound better, but it will make switching sources easier.


I should add that the setup also controls my Logitech Squeezebox Touch. All of which is controlled from my Android phone using Squeezer.

I am still having video problems related to the screen not coming up after the TV is turned off, but none of this has to do with music.

DSD to high speed PCM is all working marvelously. I imagine the same woudl work with any DAC that is driverless for MAC/Linux and uses USB 2.0. I have also confirmed that the USB 2.0 connection is asynchronous. The clock in the Myteck drives the whole shebang. Sadly my very nice sounding ARC DAC 8 has proprietary drivers, and will not work with Linux.

Oh, one detail, I installed Xubuntu in stead of Ubuntu for the User Interface. As such, the network manager that comes with it is super easy to use. Just click on the network icon and up comes my ethernet and wireless connections. Bing-bang boom I’m networked however I want to be.
Further, it's easy to switch back and forth between listening to music and movies.

Just have to turn the streamer "OFF" from the Media server/app. That frees up the DAC and makes it available to the other applications you may have running, like Netflix, Hulu, etc.

Heard some good things about Daphile freeware for music on Pi servers. You might wanna check it out. Cheers,

Thanks, as soon as they add Steam Gaming I'm in. :)

Seriously it looks pretty cool but I needed more than a headless server right now. I'm also really happy with the LMS ecosystem of server and phone/tablet apps. However if I was starting from zero it's a good option!

For your use LMS makes sense, but for my music only library, with microRendu I prefer the gui of Lumin app vs. the LMS mode. 
If you at some point want to maximize sound quality via LMS the Sonore can't be beat, especially for the price. 