Miyajima MADAKE experience

I've noticed that many (if not all) Kansui users tryin' to sell their Miyajima Kansui to upgrade to new released Madake of the higher price. I have zero experience with Kansui or Madake, but i have checked all the rave reviews (there are not so many btw) and spoken to several distributors in Eupore and USA. Seems like Kansui is great even with aluminum cantilever and shibata stylus. Everybody talking about organic sound and musicality of Miyajima top of the line cartridges.

BAMBOO CANTILEVER of the MADAKE is def. exotic solution along with Miyajima-san's CROSS COIL / CROSS RING method.

Appart from the distributors and reviewers it's always important to ask real users (who paid full price) about their Madake experience.

I wonder how this cartridge perform against top of the line modern hi-end cartridges such as ZYX, Benz, Dynavector ... you name it.

Anyone who didn't like it and why ?

This is probably the latest (July 2015) article about Miyajima Kansui from Koetsu Rosewood user:


"The Koetsu Rosewood paints a beautiful sound picture with magical emphasis on harmonic information and nuances revealed."

"The Miyajima presents a more “solid” sound, surprisingly, with much more low-end power – and “stereo image” definition achieved without excess brightness.  Voices and instruments are clearly located in space."

Any other Koetsu Rosewood Signature users here ? These cartridges are in the same league ? Very interesting. 

I am a Kansui user and I find it to be a great cartridge. Don't see much anymore on sale here though. 
Hi Musicgene, do you have/had any other MC cartridges surpassed by Kansui or anything else sounds close to Kansui character?  
The Madake is up with the best of the best, of any cartridge I have ever heard.

 I might agree about the fru-fru bit of any particular bamboos,  but,  I can say that I cannot deny it.

   Bamboo is a plant, as as such, is highly influenced by its growing environment.    Many centuries of working with bamboo would, necessarily, make one very familiar with it's subtle qualities.

   Then, someone discovers that Bamboo makes a very good cantilever.

Then, in consideration of of the qualities of what makes a great cantilever, bamboo which exhibits these characteristics the most, is selected.

Enter, the Madake....

@ilikmangos i’m curious which "the best of the best" cartridges do you mean, can you recall some of them? It will help to understand how good is the Miyajima Madake.