autoformer attenuator and step up transformers

can a step up transformer (like a jensen 1:4 for example) be used in front of an autoformer attenuator (such as the one made by dave slagle (intact audio) and used in the Emia attenuator box) to increase the gain of the signal going into the passive attenuator? would you expect this type of set up to sound good or do you foresee any issues with this line of thinking? thank you. 
If the transformer steps up the voltage provided by the source by a factor of 4 (which is a 12 db increase in gain), it will result in the source component seeing a load impedance of 1/16th of the impedance that exists "looking forward" from the output of the transformer.

If the autoformer is set so as to step down the voltage that is applied to it to a significant degree, it would result in the impedance "looking forward" from the output of the transformer being significantly greater than the input impedance of the amplifier (or whatever component is being driven). But since what you are apparently trying to accomplish is a net overall increase in voltage, presumably the attenuator would often be set to not much lower than 1:1. For a 1:1 setting of the attenuator and a 4:1 transformer ratio the source component would see a load impedance of 1/16th of the input impedance of the amp. Which in many cases will result in a poor impedance match and consequently in degraded sonics, depending on the impedances of the specific components and on how those impedances vary as a function of frequency.

Also, while I’m not certain, it seems conceivable to me that sonics could also be adversely affected by things like ringing, phase shifts, etc.

-- Al

If I were to use a step up and autoformer combo I would place the 1:4 after the autoformer and arrange it so it is only used when it is absolutely needed.  

hi dave. would you please kindly explain why you would place the step up transformer after the autoformer and not before? also,why would you only use it if absolutely necessary?

my second question to dave is whether your autformers sound better or work more optimally when used on their lower half to the volume control (from 7 o'clock to 12 o'clock i.e. greater attenuation) vs the upper half of the volume control (from say 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock i.e. less attenuation)? i read that being on the lower end of the volume control drops the output impedance but if that is a non issue, does it matter with regards to sonics which setting on the autoformer i use?
hi al. thank you for replying to my post. since i am not very good at figuring out impedance issues i will go ahead and tell you about my equipment and you can tell me if you forsee a problem. also, do you know why dave from intact audio suggested putting the step up after the autoformers?
i am using a revox b77 reel to reel player( , the intact audio autoformers, and monoblocks with 137k input impedance. thank you again :)