Synergistic Research Atmosphere Power Cords.

For those who have been following the SR Red and Black fuse thread in the Amp & Preamp forum, it goes without saying that I loved the way they transitioned my audio system. What I thought was a highly resolving system has been transformed into a system that has been improved in every way ... drastically.  For many of us, me included, our music collection and the playback system is a labor of love. I've been working on mine for over 40 years now.  


After I got into the SR fuses, I started watching SR's youtube video demos. In watching the videos and reading  their literature, I discovered that their new power cords used the same technology as their fuses. That got me to thinking ... if a one and a quarter inch fuse could make such an improvement in the system, what could a five-foot power cord do? I decided to find out.


Four of the new Synergistic Atmosphere Series level 3 AC cords arrived at the house.


When they arrived, I unpacked them right away and was totally impressed with the build quality and materials used. More beautiful than the pictures depict. A shame no one is going to see them because they are behind my equipment rack out of sight. But it sure is an indication of the builder/designer's pride of workmanship.  My first thought was ... Wow, if they sound half as good as they look, they should be great. With most things in this hobby, I've acquired a wait and see attitude.


I removed my old PCs and installed the SR's right away (of course). They were replacing two different brands of custom PCs.  I had found through the years that this combination of PCs to beat anything else I tried, especially in terms of musicality and digging down into the organic sound of real instruments.  Two were built by the Music Advancement Company (MAC) in Oregon. The other two were custom built by David Magnan, a very respectable cable builder and a fine gentleman. Those who know Dave's cables know what I mean. Throughout the years, I've had the privilege of using most of Magnan's work from his speaker cables, ICs and PC's. They are exceptional. So, this gives you an idea of what I'm comparing these new SR cables to.


After installation, I warmed the system up, adjusted the bias on the amp and sat down for an initial evaluation.  What I heard right off the bat was an overall improvement in the areas we really like ... bigger , wider, deeper soundstage. More transparency. Far less grain .. in what I thought was a grain-less system. I thought the SR fuses had finally bought me to a grain free audio Utopia. Ha ... silly me. That's the good part.


Now, for the rub: The SR PC's, right out of the box, were doing exactly what the SR Black fuses did and that was to introduce a hard edge, especially on strings. There was an overall degradation in musicality and emotional connection to the music as a result. The reason? The PCs , like the fuses, need at least 100 hours of break-in before they really come to life. Like the fuses, I could hear the promise of these PCs right off, but man, new out of the box, again like the fuses, things  just weren't "right."  It reminded me of when I first fired up the new ARC REF-75se. It took 500 hours for the caps in that amp to finally come around full tilt.


So, as these new SR PCs break in, I'm going to chronicle the experience in this thread all the way from new to tatal break-in. From what I've heard so far, they offer great promise, trouncing my old PCs in so many ways. Now let's see what they can do musically as they break in.


Stay tuned ...

Just had a chance to try the L3 Atmosphere on my SR Transporter replacing the Element Tungsten (silver bullets, powered by the transporter) that I had in place -- the transporter itself recently gained 3 black fuses which was a nice upgrade

At first listen changing to the Atmosphere I lost all sense of scale, dynamics were reduced, treble was muted -- all around not a good result at all.

I'm going to give this 4 days or so to see if it breaks in at all while I'm on the road and the cable can stay powering the various pieces attached to the transporter but unless it really opens up I'll be sending it back.

It's a right pain when manufacturers sell stuff not burned in that needs long burn in times, more dealers should offer burn in services (remember the Nordost Vidar system?) -- another reason to always buy power cords used if you can!
Folk freak,

while my UEF black cables are not the atmosphere, I can tell you what I have noticed during break in.

I I have not noticed a decrease in dynamics, quite the contrary. But I do notice the cables and fuses sound thin and lack body. Stand up bass at first seems over damped and basically lacks the tubiness to sound full. It eventually fills out. I also do not hear any muting of the highs. Don’t fret though.

I notice that break in is not linear, some nights don’t sound as good as others. In fact with ALL my cables, not just SR, the first night is good, shows a glimpse of what the cable is about. Then the next couple of nights it can be a Roller coaster, some nights really sounding weird. With one particular attribute standing out one night, and another, a different night. Sounds ludacris, I know. One night large soundstage, the next smaller etc. etc. they won’t calm down and open up for a while.

Tonight my new High current black sounds "thin" but i would also say that these have a much tighter and non bloated bass. I think that lends to the better image that these produce.....But I notice that many cables while breaking in, don’t have the bass bloom (not bloat) that  they will eventually have once they have a couple hundred of hours of signal through them.

I never would have thought i would have ever made such a seemingly looney statement like that a couple of years ago. But I’ve learned to just trust my ears.
Oregonpapa, where do you place your Arc tube rings? I Double up mine at the getter. Basically right where the "chromed" top of the tube begins. Have you found a better spot? I'm referring to 6h30 tubes.  

audiiolover ...

The proper placement of the tube rings is really important. So much improvement can be gained by paying close attention to micro vibrations throughout the system ... and the tube dampening rings, and their proper placement is just one example. Its the simple attention to the little details like this that will take an audio system from really good ... to great. 

I spoke with Warren Gehl the chief listener at ARC about this several years ago. He did a lot of experimentation with the tube rings. I followed Warren's advice and placed them as far up the tubes as possible without the top ring slipping off. Also, be sure both rings are firmly touching each other. Once properly placed, it allows for more clarity, better dynamics and an overall improvement throughout the audio range. I have an all ARC system and every piece of equipment was improved by proper placement of the tube dampening rings. 

By the way, Warren is primarily responsible for ARC's detailed attention to all of the dampening material we've seen in our ARC gear over the years... including the tube rings. His training is in engineering with vibration control as his specialty. Nice guy, a long time audiophile and a real music lover too. Warren hears like a bat. :-)

Please let me know if it works for you and what the results are. 

Wow. I had no idea. If you look at any pics of arc gear, you will see them roughly all in the same spot j referenced to. I will have to try moving them up the tube and see what results I get. If warren suggests it, I wonder why I always see the tunes with the rings at the getter. More experiments!!!!  😁