Tracking force on Audio Technica 120Eb

How do you have your tracking force set with your AT120E cartridge?  
The tracking force range is 1.0-1.8, with a factory recommended setting
of 1.4.   For folks who own the AT120E, what setting are you using?


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Personally, as a matter of fact, I'd void setting up any cartridge any lighter than 1.7g -- so here's my recommended setting. It also depends on your tonearm that you did not mention which is also part of VTF equation despite of manufacturer recommended setting.

Thanks for the reply and suggestions.  I've been experimenting with settings between 1.5 and 1.75 with good results so far.  Right now I am at 1.75 and I like what I am hearing. 

I am currently working with a used Pioneer PL 115D with it's stock arm.

Any other AT120E users out there?  What tracking force settings are you using?  

Yep. I confirm my statement. 
Your arm will benefit from even more weight I'd say over 1.8..
I'd recommend to try 1.8...2g range.