DUAL SUBS IN THE $10,000-$15,000 RANGE

I just sold my pair of JL F212's after hearing the Gotham(big mistake!). I'm about to drop $15G's for a pair of used(store demo's) Gotham's that have being upgraded from v1 to v2. Now since I'm about to spend big mula on bass, why not consider others awesome subs that may even be better than the Gotham's(if possible). I want my subs to do both music(primary) & bombastic movies(secondary) with LOW distortion. Please comments on the list below or add others I am missing. I listing them in my preference. Thank you!

JL Audio Gotham 213 for $15,000 pair(used with warranty)

Funk Audio 21.0 $10,136 pair new(20% discount for the month of December)

Revel Rhythm 2 pair used

DIY with multiple TCsounds LMS ULTRA 5400 18"'s


ct0517---Oh yeah, the ET Rotary sub. I don't remember it's price, but what a sub---flat to 0hz! Bruce Thigpen has one of the most creative minds in the history of Hi-Fi.

For an enclosure in which to install an 18" woofer, go to the DIY Soundgroup website, where you can buy a well designed MDF flat pack for $115 plus shipping. I believe Parts Express sells the same flat pack for a bit more. 

Why don't you go to the Audiokinesis website and read about the Swarm subwoofer system. You may get a better result and save a lot of money. 
Thanks for the reply/ideas guys. Deep sea sound look to HT oriented plus I want to get away from sealed wood enclosure which the majority of the subs are. The Gotham's are not & you can hear/feel the difference. The Rythmik F25's look like great subs & are priced very reasonable. They also address box resonance issue with their patent direct servo technology. I'm sure the bass would be very tight & controlled. Great website too. Rotary woofer only goes up to 20HZ so I would still need subs from 20HZ-60HZ. Regarding the TCsound 5400's my friend(who is a acoustical engineer) wants to help me build dipolar line-source subs to match my Apogee's dipolar design. Three 5400's per side using Ikea butcher-block tabletops(which you can by in bulk) as a baffle. I've good & bad about dipolar subs regarding low bass & room cancellations. Not sure if I want to go down that road. After all is said & done, I'm counting on what I heard/felt(my pants were flapping & hair blowing!), all the awesome reviews(ultraaudio.com), too many patents to mention, the ARO room correction build in, the fiberglass enclosure, ability to master-slave(big plus since my equipment is on the side of the room), taking a month to build in their state-of-the-art facility, plus their reputation that the Gotham is the 'MOTHER OF ALL SUBWOOFERS'!
Just so you'll know, the Rythmik Servo Feedback plate amp is available in two different XLR versions, one of which (XLR2) allows master-slave hook-up, operation, and adjustment of multiple subs. The feedback system also deals with the resonance of the MDF enclosure, as well the thermal artifacts endemic to ALL drivers. Those effects are the result of the electrical characteristics of all woofers changing as their voice-coils heat up and cool down in normal operation. That's just the tip of the Rythmik iceberg. As I said, very sophisticated! The Rythmik website goes into great detail explain Brian Dings design.
I'm not current on what's "hot" and surprised the REL Gibraltar
doesnt appear to make it in at least the top 5 subs?

I have a simple system with  an older B3. Is the current lineup of REL not competitive? The wireless w/remote seems like the ticket, do the others offer this?