B&W 'New' 800 Series

I've reviewed the TAS Factory Tour and the 802 D3 details and am impressed with all improvements; and the common sense used.
I also find the new styling very intelligent related to dispersion. Comments?
Dave_b .....is that your serial number? Your not a robot are you?

lol - no Dave just my initials followed by I think the month and day I joined the other crazies here officially. Unfortunately not a lot of thought went into my moniker; unlike some others here who have great monikers. :^)

You know its funny, some folks on forums are very personal, while others are shy and want to stick to their monikers.
I am good either way.

Cheers Chris

These are the bass frequency numbers for the D3’s.
17hz   802 D3
19hz   803 D3
20hz   804 D3

I guess the 800 d3 will probably be around 15hz. B&W being marketing kings are waiting till next year to introduce them, (imo) to extend the new design intro.
Brilliant !  

As a matter of curiosity and wanting to learn; I would be interested to know from those that have already heard them, or get a chance to hear them soon.

  • The Model of D3 used. 
  • Was a subwoofer used. If yes - how did they sound with and without a sub/s,  with full range music. 
  • Room Size and type of floor. 
Was it a poured concrete floor like in shopping malls/strip mall ground floor unit/house basement ;  or was it suspended wood beam (common in boutique high end retail stores who may be using a renovated two story older home or building.  

The D3 and all B&W 800 series floor models since matrix bracing was introduced, coupled to a wood floor with spikes;  will really rock the suspended floor as all excess energy is being drained down through the spikes. Play at your loudest SPL’s and feel the cabinet. You feel little if any vibration at all. Unlike speakers that by design vibrate and resonate through their cabinets as well. Two different design approaches.
I will provide observations as well if I get the opportunity.


The 802D3's I heard sounded great but I'm not sure they are $22K great?  Can't get over the looks....love the all wood larger cabinets on my older model 802D2's!  Mine also seem to have a warmer sound and are more forgiving/musical to my ear.  At $15K I thought the 802D series was a good value...at $22K not so much:(
Dear dave,

during a big concert the inyimate focus dissapears. At my friends house it was very small and direct. I love acoustic music. Like classical music with one or a few instruments. 

The physical intimate appearance is based on differrent parts.

- You need depth and width
- you need a sharp individual focus of voices and instruments
- you need a stunning black level
- you need the air around voices

This creates the same experience I had at my friends house.

In the last years I have doen many shootouts with Audioquest cables against MIT cables in differebt sets. At the end they all preferred the AQ cables. 

This is based on the more physical 3D stage with a more intimate presentation.
Enjoy....we have different tastes in what music playback should convey!  Cheers
Yesterday I had a new client who visit me. He plays with the Wilson Audio Sasha one and only plays classical music.

I will phone him tonight to aks him about the differences of his set between mine to write it down overhere. He called my set; the new reference frame. 

The reference frame are all the parts togheter. So you have an idea what the difference is between a highend set and mine.