Review: Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD CD Player

Category: Digital

I am surprised that there has not been any review of the Tri-Vista yet. I have owned the Tri-Vista for six months, and each day I have found that it sounds rich in musical breadth, transparency, and its soudnstage. I have noticed that when it is first turned on, it takes about 30-45 minutes before the full sound becomes apparent. But once it is warmed up, I cannot say any thing except that I am amazed.

I only listen to classical music, and am amazed how true the brass sounds, regardless of CD or SACD format. In CD playback, I have noticed that the strings sound a little thin, but in SACD playback, I am thorougly impressed with the full "woodiness" of the sound (for lack of a better word). The soundstage is probably most impressive, as you can hear the brass blaring out from behind the strings; the cello is mid-stage right, the bass, far right. It's nearly perfect!

I am currently very content with the Tri-Vista. But let it be known that I have not listened to any other similarly-priced players.
They are bringing out a Tri-Vista DAC as well...I agree that MF does too many models, it makes me think less of them, though I have been impressed with the models I have listened to.
Hey, I understand your frustration with the new models, but just because BMW comes out with a new model every year, does that make the current model any worse? So, why have a double standard with audio companies?
Well, I don't think you can really say that BMW comes out with a new model every year, major re-designs are only every couple of years, at most. In any event, a car is a slightly more complicated piece of machinary than a DAC, so it makes sense that there are subtle improvements and tweaks to be made year to year. Even so, I don't think that BMW would try to tell you that a 2004 is substantially different from a 2003. (Unless it is the year of a major redesign).
I agree with many of the comments already listed. Any audio company with more than 3 levels of a similiar item or any company introducing units which replace units on the market in less than 3 or 4 years is looking to sell product - PERIOD! As far as I am concerned, if the audio product you purchase costs in excess of $6,000.00, it should be marketed with fully upgradeable capability.
The Tri-Vista series is a limited 20th Anniversary production. 500 integrated amps and 800 SACD players and the fact that they are all sold speaks volumes.