Review: Schnerzinger X-5000 Kabel - audio cable Interconnect

Category: Cables

I'm currently living in Berlin and heard of this manufacturer "Schnerzinger audio Kabel" and their molecular processing in the local highend scene.

What I heard sounded not real. Two guys I met in a local hifi shop bought this Schnerzinger cable, partly just their smallest ones, even before they could sell their old ones costing nearly as much as a car (like mine).

The one guy recommended to take my current cabling with me and make a visit in Dortmund, so I didn't hurry with it, because it's not rarely to hear about fascinating new products to try out, but I drove there, during my next business trip to that region.

I met Dirk from Schnerzinger Audio, who's a really nice and relaxed guy with a sence of knowledge, what would happen during the next 2 hours.

What I first saw in their listeing room was really big highend, speakers and amps of different brands that you can't find anymore in normal high end shops. Must be at least two hundred thousand $ in that room.

We first listened to the system and cabling there.

To make it short: what I heard was not from that world. I sat there looking at Dirk, shaking my head and unable to speak someting that made sence.

I never heard music like this before. So much more room, atmosphere and realism than anything I ever heard! Dynamic like hell, and so natural sounding. I wanted to hear one kind of music after another to experience this performance at different music styles and at the same time I wanted to stop this to be able to listen at home again, realizing, that it would probably be like going back to grammophone.

But I remembered I was there because of cabling. Dirk had his X-5000 cabling connected, which is still very expensive, but costs a third of my current cabling. So I was confident, that my cable would not make it worse, probably the whole equipment there was simply better than mine.

He just changed one interconnect to mine - and the room and atmosphere - and everything else just collapsed to what I knew so far. I couldn't believe it. Dirk said, it has nothing to do with my current cable brand. They are top (normal!) cable and that this effect happened with every cable brand that he and his customers tried in comparison, no matter what cost. I had a look at some cable he had as trade ins and knew what he meant.

Not prepared to buy new cabling, I asked if I could try out, what happens in my configuration at home and he gave me just one set of RCA for Berlin to test it.

What I heard at home was such a big step in the direction I heard at Schnerzinger audio, that I was unable to listen again without that cable althought I also was really happy before. I couldn't believe, that this Schnerzinger Kabel will open up so much more than there was before, and that it's not only an effect within a specifically adjusted configuration in a show room. I'm just on the way to newly equip my whole configuration, and I can only recommend to everyone able to spend this money, to listen to Schnerzinger before making your decisions.

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Just spent an hour listening to the demo of the complete system with these cables. Whilst the system produced a very quiet background and some very pleasant sounds, it was best described as over polite. Sounds such as solo violin sounded devoid of air and lacked life.

Of course that may be other factors such as the room.

The staff really were not too helpful and the guy doing the demo really didn't seem to know too much about the philosophy of their cable design.

So, interesting but from that demo, no interest for me.
Althoug Schnerzinger cables are extremly musical they are by far the fastest and the most neutral and precises cables i know.
But you are right i heard the demo too and found the sound also not good. But you should know it was not the demo of Schnezinger, Schnerzinger just gave their cables to the speaker company who made the show. And the guys could not answer my questions to Schnerzinger cables either because they did not belong to Schnerzinger they belonged to the Speaker company.
They guys told me that the room was terrible and that the voltage dropped down to 215 volts that day.

After a lot of experiments before i am so happy with these cables.
Thanks for the background information. Maybe I should give them another listen.

Even so it is surprising that the manufacturers allow their cables to be showcased in a poor system. It is not exactly a professional approach.
I run a complete Kondo system, including the top range Kondo cable. I have spent the last few years very intense with a variety of accessory products to optimize my HiFi system. I have also tried a lot of different high-end cable manufacturer, but in my all Kondo chain, no cable could surpass this homogeneity of the Kondo cables. by the Fair report of the Absolute Sound from the Munich Show 2014, where the rated best sound of show system was cabled with Schnerzinger products I became aware on Schnerzinger cable. After I have run this for a week in my system, I have to say that I am thrilled.
Thus, a gain in Naturalness, Definition, Vibrancy, and Precision I have not thought possible. especially this lifelike and vivid representation of spatial information I've never heard of this quality.
For this reason, I can confirm the euphoric posts here regarding Schnerzinger.