Top 5 Hamburgers

Here is how we roll in Cali:

Father's Office, Los Angeles
Hodad's, San Diego
In-N-Out, Baldwin Park
TK Burger, Costa Mesa
Jalama Beach Grill, Santa Barbara

How do you roll?

Good call on Phillipes for the old. Bay area is food n drink nirvana. I can think of several mom & pop joints in North Beach alone that trip the salivate meter. btw, I'm a Palo Alto, Cali native. Can't afford living in the town or the state anymore. Just scatter my ashes off the coast of Big Sur and they'll say he came home.
'Go to Redamak's in New Buffalo, MI'

thanks David I will have to remember them the next time I go that way. I am about 70 miles away and live in Kalamazoo.

Carl's Jr. Double Six Dollar Burger,

anything with 1520 calories and can potentially give one a heart attack, all for just 6 bucks, just has to be good.
Surprised no one has mentioned the Big Kahuna burger (from Pulp Fiction). :^)
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