What would you do?

I happen to have proof that a fairly well known American boutique audio audio company routinely and brazenly shill bids its auctions for audio equipment. Knowledge of this fraud and so many people being ripped off troubles me. Thoughts?
Inna, that was my thought as well and I called them out on it when I first figured it out. They just denied it.. and it appears have not skipped a beat. I've got data from April 2014 to current, although there are some gaps.
Say no more, the info will be provided. I just need to redact my personal identifiers from the documents..

If someone here has a handle on shill bidding it would be nice if you would volunteer to look at this before it is publicly posted on the off OFF chance I am missing something. I assure you I am not, but nevertheless..
"If someone here has a handle on shill bidding it would be nice if you would volunteer to look at this before it is publicly posted on the off OFF chance I am missing something. I assure you I am not, but nevertheless.."

2 things. First is, giving the info to a self proclaimed expert on shill bidding is probably not the person you want to give the info to, just for that reason. Second, it sounds like you are getting cold feet here. If you don't know what you have and/or you have an ulterior motive, maybe you should drop the whole thing and leave it alone. Walk away before you make a fool of yourself.
Do you have any acquaintances who are knowledgeable bidders on Ebay? If so, have one of then look at your data; that place is full of professional shill bidders.
Generally speaking, I think that cases like that should be handled by professionals in a professional manner. This means not in open audiophile forum with censorship as a bonus. But in any case, this is your choice. However, bid shilling is a serious violation. If you are going to disclose their names, your accusations will not have much weight unless you disclose your name as well.
You also said that you are not an audiophile, though you didn't say that you don't want to become one. Indeed you might be about to put yourself in uncomfortable position here. Is it worth it?