Best speaker value between $1800-$2100

Need some input on best value in speakers between $1800 to $2100. I have been out of the market for 3 years due to illness. I currently have a pair of Silverline Prelude II speakers which are above average. I am driving them with a Creek 5250SE Classic which is about 85RMS. I prefer a speaker with a narrow profile(like the Preludes) because the room is 12X15 with mostly hardwood floors and wall of window area. I also have some overstuffed furniture; but, overall the room is lively. I don't have a lot of flexibility in the room for speaker placement; I currently have the Preludes placed on the long axis---they sound somewhat louder on the right speaker. I use a pair 10ft of Analysis Oval 12 which may need to be replaced. All opinions and advice will be welcomed.
Just saw a pair of Silverline SR17.5s for sale here at a little below your minimum price (so with stands you'd still be in the ballpark). Hard to imagine these wouldn't be a fairly significant step up in performance from your Preludes.
Allow a budget for some room treatments as with all tha glass any speaker will have problems.
I'm in a very similar situation to yours, and have tentatively settled on a pair of Ohm 1000s, which retail for $2000. Looks like they might be a good match for the Creek also.
I have tried several speakers with my Creek 5350SE and settled on Von Schweikerts. They work well together. You may not need even the VR-4JRs (which I own) since even the VR-2s would probably work well. I am currently using the VR-1 plus a small REL sub. The speakers disappear and I have a smooth flat FR from 30 Hz on up.
you know-- agree with the poster above that the Response 2.5 from Proac is a lovely thing-- owned a pair for several years. But prior to them I owned the 1.5's and felt them to actually have the more upfront present midrange of the two. The profile is also more slimline. The 1.5 worked better for me in my smaller (14 by 16 or so) room and was readily driven by all manner of amps. it wasnt till I got to my current Daedalus speakers that I felt I had arrived at a "better" speaker (with a somewhat more natural top end).
Soooo.... for a slimline look, easily driven and sexy to boot-- in that price range, what about a pair of used D15 Proacs? That's the upgraded version of the 1.5. You could also go with Totem Hawks or with a used pair of Reference 3A Veenas. All very musical sounding speakers. The Hawks would be a GREAT value used.