Anyone have comments on radical toe in?

I have pretty much followed the speaker manufacturers rules when it comes to speaker placement and toe in.
Even used the Merlin alignment thingies when I had Merlins.

But I experimented with radical toe in on my Grand Veenas and it is working better for me than the advised way.

I saw photos of several, radically toed in speakers from coverage of RMAF 09 and thought I would give it a go.

Maybe not all will agree, but it works for me.
There is no harm to experiment. Back in the 70's when I first started, it was
popular to toe in speakers such that the line of sight crossed in front of the
listener to create a wider sweet spot. There is no fixed rules. Whatever sounds
good to you is good.
To hell with the rules!!!!Do what you want to do.Be a rebel.Start a revolution.....sorry, got carried away for a second.
Do what sounds best in your setup situation.No harm using speakers as head phones.........