I'm adding Jupper cables and your opinion is ??

I am in the process of purchasing new speaker cables for my Avalon Eclipse's....I will let you know they are very expensive and would complete my entire system.....the issue is, the mfg.'s price for their bi-wired pair of cables adds on a whole bunch of more money which would kick me out of the game .....the dealer recommended using the same kind of wire for jumpers....I called the mfg. and they said that it could be done but did not want to comment on the sonics of doing that....so, does adding the correct or same kind of wire jumpers degrade the overall sound or does it have no affect on the sound if done correctly ...????
JD and the others have made some excellent comments, but I would put it a bit differently:

1)There is no well-established technical reason why the wire type used for the short jumper between bi-wire terminals on a speaker will make any difference sonically, assuming the gauge is adequate and good contact is made.

2)Bi-wire vs. single-wire plus jumper can certainly make a difference in many systems, although subjectively the difference may not necessarily be for the better. See the following threads in which people reported an apparent loss in bass when bi-wiring, for which I provided what I believe to be the correct explanation near the end of each thread:



And here is some general background on biwiring and its potential benefits:


-- Al

I strongly disagree with your point (1), remembering the difference between using the bar-type jumper that ProAc supplied with my Response 3s and the foil jumpers from Mapleshade when I was using their cables. I'm not one of those who speak of jaw-dropping differences, but this was something else. I went back and forth between the supplied jumpers and the foil, not believing what I was hearing.
Dave -- I didn't say that perceivable differences would not ever occur, I said that "there is no well-established technical reason" why there should be a difference. A consequence of that being that any possible differences are unlikely to be predictable or consistent across different systems. I should have expressed that more fully in my previous post.

-- Al
When you consider just inside of the binding post is whatever type of hookup wire the speaker designer chose to utilize, it is harder to imagine a 6 to 8 inch jumper wire making a huge difference as long as the gauge is adequate. Al is correct, there is a whole bunch of info available here on bi-wiring. Based on your statement regarding a double run, "a price tag of the cable that I'm looking at of about $16,000," I assume the cables you are considering are about $8K per pair. At that level, and considering the quality of your Avalon's, I would probably obtain a pair of the cable manufacturer's own jumpers to be sure you are achieving everything you should be sonically.