Best Bookshelf/Monitors Speakers? Suggestions

I am new to hifi, and looking for a pair for pair of bookshelf/monitor speakers, preferrably under 2k, to pair with a Mcintosh ma6450 100wpc. I was originally looking at the B&W CM1, but they are very inefficient(84db), so i was thinking about the CM5, or even the 805S ( both 88db). I feel like I am paying a lot for the name with B&W though, and may be missing out on more lesser known speakers.

I am not necessarily looking for the most accurate speaker, but rather a speaker that is dynamic and creates and wide and deep soundstage. bass extension is also important to me.

I have read about the proac tablette 8 sigs, reference 3a decapo, but im not sure if the de capos are a good choice with my ss amp, and if the tablette 8 sigs will have enough bass.

Obviously I would prefer to audition them, but if i can get a highly recommended pair of used speakers such as the decapo that would normally cost much more new, for the same price as a new pair cm5 (1500) i feel like id be better off. what do you think? Thanks for your help.

Extra infor that may be important:
I live in a high-rise so would like to avoid using a sub.
My Room is approx. 16x17.
Couch (main listening position) is about 8-10 feet from where the speakers will be.
Speakers will be about 7 feet apart.
Probably about 1 foot from the wall behind them.
I'd recommend you determine what 'sound' you like. For example,
1) if you like accurate with deepish bass, consider the Dynaudio:

2) If you like a little 'faster, wide open' sound, go with the Dicapos,

3) possibly smoother, strong bass, try the Ushers or the Fritzspeakers ScanSpeak 7 version. (May be tought to demo though)

4) I would also recommend a pair of Merlin TSMs which you can get around here for <1,500.

The Merlins would probably be my choice because of a couple of things including easier placement (but I prefer a paper based driver in the midrange, until you move up to well executed exotic materials, but we're startin' to talk about much more $.

Final recommendation would be these:, ... but the guy is in Ireland so I'm not so sure about that transaction.

Good stuff out there in the sub $1,500 market - decide if you definitely *DON'T* like a particular sound or material (ie the guy above commenting on the Usher, others may say Dynaudios aren't the best at lower level (hi-rise constrained) levels, others don't like metal mid-woofers, etc.

Good luck.
I'd be looking a used pair of Wilson Cub's near that range, used. You'll not find more refined, efficient, dynamic, and detailed, with superb soundstage and imaging for your needs, I presume! Anyway, anything else and you're looking at lesser in lots of performance area's. They have dual woofers, world class tweeter, built second to none, gorgeous finish work, and quality throughout. They also mate with Mac very well. It's a thought.
Basically, if I needed a pair of high end monitors, with lots of dynamics, snap, and super refinement and also acousticly (is that a word?) friendly woofer-tweeter-woofer design - and you found em near $2k used - I'd take em, yes!
Using the dual woofers helps greatly with many benefits acoustically. They do however sound best sitting down in front of them, rather than standing, depending.
Otherwise, some Dynaudio similar, Used Revel Gems for a bit more, JM Labs Mini Utopias for even a bit more.
I do like the dual woofers for your needs. Otherwise, larger woofer, simpler crossover, higher sensitivity, etc.
I'm sure I'll think of more after this post, likely.
These are as rare as hen's teeth these days on the 'Gon, but find a good used pair of Hales Revelation One's and place them on a pair of Sanus 22" Ultimate Foundations and you are there. They will serve your music very well, and with your Mac driving them, no sub required, I can assure you. -jz
01-08-09: Farjamed
there are some proac tablette signature 50s on sale for 900 here on audiogon. would those be a good choice?

I am trying some Proac Tablette 50 Signatures at the moment. In comparison to PMC and B&W Nautilus 805 bookshelves that I've owned, the Proacs are very detailed and have a very lively sound but have limited bass response. The midrange is quite forward and imaging is fantastic. For the price the Tablette 50 Sigs punch above their weight and can compete with bookshelves which are more costly. I prefer the sound of the Proacs over the B&Ws. You definitely need a subwoofer for these small speakers in your 16'x17' room and it will make a huge difference.