break in tips

so what is the magic cure for breaking in a pair of speakers? come on, you all know you have one. lets list all the different ways some of us break in our new toys. Or let us know if you think there is no such thing as the break in curse.
Surrounds and spiders "break-in", Crossover caps "burn-in" and the better the caps- the longer they take. I've got an old receiver that I hook up to my system(tape out to a line level system input) for burning in components/cables/interconnects. I just tune the FM to a local rap station, face the speakers toward one another(one out of phase) and let 'er rip. After hearing that crap in the background for a few hours, ANYTHING I play sounds better!!
"Sounded good right out of the box then at between 50 and 100 hrs they sounded absolutely horrible, but then it only got better until 400 hrs and now they sound GREAT."

Speaker break-in is all in your head. Now how can a speaker sound good and then turn horrible and then back to good again? Sounds like voodoo to me.
The break in disc "Irrational but Efficacious" from Ayre Acoustics.

Read the enclosed info.

I use Track 7 every month or so on all my speakers.
Go to the source: ask the manufacturer. They know the drivers' characteristics. Many of them have been surveyed on this question and the answers differ only slightly - the common reply being no break-in by the buyer is required.
You can make things easier on your ears, and sound relatively lower in volume, by switching the leads on one speaker so they are reversed from the other (i.e. reversing the polarity on one). Then you turn and face the speakers at one another, keeping them about a foot apart.

Basically this results in a huge null effect between the 2 speakers. One driver is going in while the other is going out. You can play them pretty loud and they won't drive your neighbor's batty.
