5 Years or More?

I go through a lot of equipment, but one piece I haven't changed in the past five years and plan on owning another five years or more are my Merlin VSM-MXes (revisions or updates don't count as changes). How many have speakers they've owned and listen to for 5 years or more and don't plan on changing for another five years -that what speakers have you found to be "keepers"?
I know that this speaker has been the butt of many an Audiogon forum posts, but here it is anyway.

I replaced my B&W Silver Signatures with the Harmonic Precision Caravelles about three years ago and I have no intentions of getting rid of them anytime soon.

As good as the original Caravelles have always sounded, I recently had them modified with new drivers and binding posts. I also upgraded the stand to a heavier brass stand. The upgrade and this speaker is awesome!
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I think my soundlab m2's are keepers;unless I move up the line or have to move to a smaller home.
Avalon-Eidolon Diamonds. IMO for the size of my room, overall it just doesn't get any better.