Have you heard the new VS VR4 Anniversary Edition

I'm sure it is at CES or T.H.E. show. I am looking forward to hearing about them! Are the forward firing tweeters in it different from the ones in VR4jr. Thanks
Hi M-mibby. I was told the Audiospace is $4700.00. The APL hybrid integrated is supposed to be $5000.00. I believe it uses the ecc99 tubes and has 85 or 90 wpc and is able to drive difficult loads.
I too thought the sound in that room was good with the audiospace but when the APL integrated went in it all came together and showed what the VR4 Anniversary were capable of. Besides the noticable difference in clarity as I mentioned above, a slight upper midrange glare disappeared and the bass went deeper as well.
When this amp is availabe, I'm sure that Alex Peychev will have another big hit. Especially for the price.
The Audio Space 3.1 ref integrated 300B is only $3990 with phono(tube) Also avaiable with more power is a new 3.1 Ref integrated KT88 version at $3390 both of these pieces were very well recieved at out home show this fall in Michigan. If anyone would like more info please see us at PrimeOnemedia.com
or call me Dennis at 248-553-4573
Hi Frank, I went early in day 1 of the show and saw the guy from Audio Space brought their KT88 version of R3.1 to try with the VR-4; great clarity and more pace and punch, but without the magic in the mids from 300B's. It's easy to get more bass out of solid-state backends, just not sure how it would perform better than what 300B can give you in the mids, which is my sweet spot, and most of other's too. That's why VS stayed with the 300Bs I think. I was a bit disppointed though that the VS room didn't have analog source to show the tubed phono section of the R3.1. Definitely want to listen to the hybrid to see what it is all about. Do you know when it's out? You must have missed the AS sign in VS's room; it said $3900. And I looked it up from AS's site, 300B is $3900, KT88 is cheaper.
Sorry for the misinformation on the Audiospace price. Your right, I didn't pay much attention to the price sign at the show. Someone else told me $4700.00 later. I do know that Albert was VERY impressed with the APL unit.